‘What A great news; Southampton player has broken a record with…..

WHEN Dave Horseman and Louis Carey departed Saints Under-21s for Forest Green in the summer, Olly Lancashire’s ever-changing role at the club changed once more.

Up to then, Lancashire had been training and playing alongside the academy players in his role as player/coach and mentor to the club’s youngsters.

But with coaching numbers low as the club recruited a new Under-21 boss, he stepped up to lead training alongside Lee Skryme, in a move which saw him come off the grass as a player.

He has kept his place as interim assistant since Adam Asghar’s arrival in October, but that is likely to change when the club appoint a new assistant in December.

Lancashire is yet to make an appearance this season, despite being registered. Asked by the Daily Echo if that could change anytime soon, the defender indicated it was unlikely.

“I don’t think it’s going to be an option anymore. I’m at the stage now that I am more than ready to attack the next stage of my career.

“I’m still registered as a player, but we have been fortunate this year to have centre-backs in the building.

“A part of me still wants to play, but I’m almost 35, I recognise that I am getting on now and I’d like to think that what I’ve done has been quite influential over the past two years.

“Thankfully the club feel the same. The players trust me and know that I want the best for them. Taking that step up to be the coach has been good, I’ve enjoyed working alongside Adam.

“I’ve been trying to develop my skillset. Working alongside Russ and Gilly has been great, I’ve got to see how they do things. I’m trying to take on as much information as I can to develop myself as well as give back to the young boys.”

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