There’s never much happening in the days after Christmas and before New Year. It’s the inbetween days – the “Crimbo Limbo” – and apart from the crowds flocking to the sales, human activity of all kinds is reduced to a trickle.

On Friday morning, I took a stroll up to Leicester Magistrates’ Court, knowing the only cases being dealt with would be a handful of “remand” cases – alleged crimes in which someone has been arrested and charged, and then detained in custody.

The 350-year-old law of habeas corpus means that the accused must be presented in court to have their detention agreed by a judge or a panel of magistrates. And that means a few very slow and empty days for the staff at the court in Pocklingtons Walk in Leicester city centre.

On the day in question, I arrive a bit before 10am to see three people going in through the court’s main door to be searched by security and then let upstairs to the large waiting area, which would normally be full of defendants and their friends on a Friday morning. This morning, apart from the trio I followed in, it is completely empty.

There are only two of the nine courtrooms in use today, an usher at the front desk tells me. Court 7 just has a video link case, which tells me Court 1 is where the ‘action’ is. The prosecutor is surprised to see me: “Slow day for you?”

There’s a long wait for the first case to be called on. It involves an alleged robbery.

The defendant, a grandfather, dressed in a hoodie, is muttering something to the security guard who ushers him in. He confirms his name, address and date of birth, then denies the charges against him.

The robbery charge means his case has to be dealt with at a later date at Leicester Crown Court, because such charges are typically deemed too serious for the magistrates’ court to deal with, so the only job for the three magistrates is to decide whether he stays behind bars between now and his next court appearance, which is likely to be in a few weeks’ time.

We can’t give you full details of the allegations heard by the court, because we are legally forbidden from doing so. (Many people might not be aware that professional journalists must undergo training in, and pass several exams on, the laws governing the media and reporting before they are allowed to cover court cases. They also need to be qualified in shorthand, because recording equipment is not allowed in most court hearings in England).

The defendant looks on, his brow scrunched up, as the prosecutor explains the allegation againt him to the magistrates.

Next it’s the turn of the defendant’s own solicitor, whose job, at this stage, is to persuade the magistrates to allow his client to be released from custody.

To come to a decision, the three magistrates form a little huddle in court, scribbling notes, pointing at screens and whispering, while the grandad sits, arms folded. They deny the application for bail, and the defendant walks back through the door to the cells with the security guard, arms still folded. We cannot tell you why bail was refused, for legal reasons. This applies to every case we cover.

There’s a long break before the next case is ready. Both it and the one after are being dealt with by the same defence solicitor, and she needs time to talk to both defendants in the cells.

We all sit quietly in court – me on the Press bench, a dedicated area of courtrooms reserved for reporters. Then the usher from Court 7 breaks the silence, entering Court 1 to see if it is inundated with cases and wants to share the workload.

“Is there anything you can give us?” he asks. But the answer is obvious.

It’s gone 11am when the next case is ready. It involves an alleged attack on a woman. The man denies the allegation against him.

The alleged crime is another which is typically deemed too serious for magistrates to deal with, and must be handled by a judge over at Leicester Crown Court on a later date. Again, the only job for the three magistrates is to decide whether the defendant stays behind bars between now and his next court appearance, or whether he can be released on bail.

The prosecutor and then the defence solicitor present their arguments for and against the man being released. The magistrates decide he must stay locked up until his appearance at the crown court. Off he goes, back behind the door which leads to the dock.

There’s only a short break before the next case, which involves a man allegedly sending abusive messages to a woman. The defendant has a lost look on his face. He also denies the allegations against him.

The three people I followed into the court this morning are sitting at the back of the court. They are there to support the defendant.

It is agreed that this case can stay at the magistrates’ court, which means it won’t be sent to the crown court. But, once again, the prosecutor is opposed to the defendant being released on bail until magistrates can hear the case fully.

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