Pak cueists continue to shine in World Snooker

LAHORE: Pakistan 2 defeated Pakistan 1 4-2 on Saturday to go to the semi-finals of the IBSF World Team Snooker Championship in Doha. After a hard battle, Pakistan 2, led by Mohammad Naseem Akhtar and Ahsan Ramzan, defeated Pakistan 1, led by Mohammad Sajjad and Babar Masih.

Naseem and Ahsan displayed exceptional skill and kept the seasoned Sajjad and Babar completely off guard.

70-41, 17-86, 73-52, 68-50, 2-106 (62) and 52-43 were the frame scores.Pakistan 2 was scheduled to play Cyprus in the semi-finals on Saturday night.The first semi-final match between Poland and Hong Kong was ongoing at the time of publication.

Pak cueists continue to shine in World Snooker

Earlier in the round of 16, Pakistan 1 defeated Bahrain 4-0, led by Mohammad Sajjad and Babar Masih.Pakistan’s pair also broke for 56, 62, and 76 points in the first, third, and fourth sessions, respectively.

The final frame scores were 66-35, 52-28, 77-7, and 100-33. In a show dominated by Pakistan, Bahrain was represented by Habib Sabah and Heshan Alsaqer.

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