Boston gives three reasons why Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown can never win a title in Boston Celtics

When you look at what Boston Celtics supporters are saying about Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown on social media, all you see is that they will win multiple championships. Despite hints to the contrary, the consensus is that they will undoubtedly win titles during their tenure in Boston.

Why not play devil’s advocate in this debate, we thought at the Houdini? Here are three reasons why Tatum and Brown will never be able to win a championship with the Celtics.

The number one reason Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown will not win with the Boston Celtics is: They might not be together for long.

The length of time Tatum and Brown stay together is an important factor in whether or not they win a championship. Many circumstances and signals have pointed to their splitting up in recent seasons. With continual whispers of the Celtics pursuing other starters and potentially severing the core, it’s reasonable to wonder how long they can stay together.

Also, with Brown’s contract discussions coming, this summer might be disastrous. The present Brown negotiations are disturbing, because they raise the question of whether Brown wants to stay with the Cs in the long run. If Brown wants out in the next few years, the Jays’ chances of winning a championship drop.

The second reason Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown will not win with the Boston Celtics is: They do not fit perfectly.

Tatum and Brown are both exceptional individuals, which tends to confuse fans’ perceptions of them. Although Tatum and Brown may have historic scoring nights together, they are not a perfect combination. Tatum and Brown aren’t a good fit because they’re basically the same player. They are both essentially isolation players who require the ball in their hands at all times and never play off of one another.

When you look back at previous iconic NBA duos, such as Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen, they were perfect fits. Tatum and Brown don’t mesh as well as the other championship teams.

The Jays will never win a championship unless they find a way to compliment one another.

The third reason Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown will not win with the Boston Celtics is: They are playoff squanderers.

Boston gives three reasons why Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown can never win a title in Boston Celtics
Boston gives three reasons why Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown can never win a title in Boston Celtics

Because Tatum and Brown have had so many deep playoff runs, many fail to recognize that they are postseason chokers. Few other superstars or elite players have ever started their careers with as many playoff choke jobs as Tatum and Brown. From their first season in 2018 until this season against the Miami Heat, the tandem has blown numerous series.

As you progress in your job, you create a reputation, and Tatum and Brown both have one. It’s difficult for elite players to overcome their postseason reputations, and I’m not sure Tatum and Brown have what it takes.

Finally, it will be interesting to see if Tatum and Brown can complete the project by 2024.

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