Wisconsin AP names Allie Ziebell girl high school basketball player of the year

llie Ziebell’s potential as a basketball player became clear the day she accepted a scholarship offer from UConn women’s coach Geno Auriemma.

The Huskies have won 11 national championships since 1995 and remain one of the top teams in the country. The opportunity to become part of that isn’t extended to just anyone.

Ziebell’s production while playing at Neenah High School stood out enough to Auriemma that he needed the 6-foot guard to join him, and that helped propel her to the top of the mountain in state girls basketball.

Ziebell accepted that offer during her junior season and followed that up with a big enough senior campaign to be named the state’s unanimous player of the year by The Associated Press. The award and teams are selected by a panel of state sports writers.

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